About association

The Association of Self-Governing Regions of Slovakia (abbreviated as "SK8") is a voluntary, interest-based association of self-governing regions of the Slovak Republic, independent of the state and political parties. It was founded on 16 May 2006 in Bratislava. All self-governing regions of the Slovak Republic are members of the association.

Aims of the association

Advocate the interests of self-governing regions and their inhabitants while respecting their autonomous status
Unify the action of association's members in the exercise of the competences entrusted to them
Involve representatives of self-governing regions in solving common problems of local government and in the development of joint strategies
Propose proposals for solutions to the problems of territorial self-government to the relevant central bodies of state administration
Gather evidence and analyse problems in the performance of self-governing regions
Advise on the practical application of laws relating to the rights and obligations of self-governing regions

Association's Assembly

The Assembly of the Association is the supreme body of the SK8. It approves the main directions, activities and tasks of the association, the budget of the association, the expert sections and makes other fundamental decisions. The members of the Association's Assembly are the presidents of the self-governing regions. Meetings are held quarterly.


Jozef Viskupič
president of the Self-Governing
Trnava Region


Milan Majerský
president of the Self-Governing
Prešov Region
Ondrej Lunter
president of the Self-Governing
Banská Bystrica Region
Jaroslav Baška
president of the Self-Governing
Trenčín Region


Rastislav Trnka
president of the Self-Governing
Košice Region
Erika Jurinová
president of the Self-Governing
Žilina Region
Branislav Becík
president of the Self-Governing
Nitra Region
Branislav Becík
president of the Self-Governing Bratislava Region
Juraj Droba
president of the Self-Governing
Bratislava Region

History of SK8 presidents

2018 - present
Jozef Viskupič, president of the Self-Governing Trnava Region
2009 - 2018
Tibor Mikuš, president of the Self-Governing Trnava Region
2008 - 2009
Vladimír Bajan, president of the Self-Governing Bratislava Region
2007 - 2008
Pavol Sedláček
(president of TSK)
Juraj Blanár
(president of ŽSK)
2006 - 2007
Vladimír Bajan (president of BSK)
Zdenko Trebuľa (president of KSK)